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Adopting a Dog

Adopting a dog is a big decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. When you adopt a dog, you are adding a new addition to your family that could be around for the next 10 to 20 years. In this blog, I'm going to talk about what you should think about adopting a dog and what you should look for in the dog you are adopting.

Ok so you (and your family) have decided that you would like to adopt a dog/puppy. Lets start by looking at your lifestyle. Do you live in an apartment or a house, do you have a fenced in back yard, is everyone in the house on the same page with getting a puppy? Some dogs need lots of exercise, some dogs are more laid back and don't need to exert a lot of energy. Start by looking a breeds and what there characteristics are and see if they match up with your family needs. The worst thing to do is adopt a big dog that is high energy and you either live in a small house or apartment and/or you don't have time to walk/exercise your dog a lot. This when dogs start to destroy things and become not very good dogs.

The next thing you should ask is what age are your kids, if this applies, and look at dogs that are good with that age group. Also, are they good with other animals, and is anyone in the house unsteady on their feet and could get hurt if a big dog knocked them down. Some shelters will say that certain dogs are good or not good with kids and if they are good with other animals or not. A good shelter has already tested the dog for these things.

Never buy a dog for your kids or for your other dog! Look at what your household will look like later on. The kids are bugging you for a dog now but are they going to college soon, will they have time for the dog or are they going to be starting more sports or getting in to more clubs at school? When adopting a dog, it needs to be for the whole family. Not just one or two people. If the whole family is not on board with getting a dog, then the dog will never be trained properly and the dogs' life can suffer in the long run.

You don't always think about this but think about if you want a long or short haired dog and do they drool or shed a lot. Also, is the dog you are looking at need grooming needs and can you afford to get the dog groomed every 4 to 6 weeks.

Lastly, can you afford the needs of the dog. Dogs need to go the vet once a year or more if they have health issues. Some breeds are more prone to different health issues that could make vet bills go up. Is the dog big and can you afford the food. Big dogs can eat up to 6 cups a food a day. You can blow through a bag of food in a week at the amount. Make sure you can keep up with the cost of the food. Dogs also need chew toys, play toys, a bed, leash, and collar, etc. Can you afford all of this?

Adopting a dog whether it is from a shelter, breeder, or a friend who's dog just had puppies is a big decision. Never rush into adopting a puppy/dog. Take your time in deciding what is best for everyone including the dog. The dog you are meant to have will be waiting for you to take them home, there is never a need to rush into it!

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